APCC comments on Home Office Front Line Review


APCC Chair, Mark Burns-Williamson OBE said:

“The Front Line Review presents an important opportunity to listen to the voices of police officers and staff on their experiences of the front line, including the demands placed upon them and the daily impact of this on their health and wellbeing. PCCs would want to acknowledge the outstanding job that police officers and staff do day in day out in keeping our communities safe. Their dedication and commitment to public service is often taken for granted but often sets an example to all of us.  

“PCCs will welcome the review’s initial proposals to ensure that officer and staff wellbeing is at the heart of policing through inclusion and embedding it in the inspection framework. We also welcome the commitment to enable police officers and staff to focus on their core roles rather than having to increasingly respond to inappropriate demands best met elsewhere.

“We also recognise and know, however, that the police system is currently under intense strain and that further sustained resources are needed if we are to deliver against the proposals within the review. PCCs will continue to work closely with colleagues from the Federation, staff associations, Home office, NPCC and more widely to secure the best possible outcome for policing from the forthcoming spending review.

“It is our people: officers, staff, special constables, and volunteers, that ultimately keep our communities safe. It is only right that by regularly listening to the views of the front line that as Police and Crime Commissioners we do everything we can in conjunction with our Chief Constables and staff associations to ensure their health and wellbeing issues are addressed.”


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